If you’re like most people, you’re probably looking for ways you can reduce your monthly expenses. The current economic inflation and high gas prices have left many people strapped for cash. Everyone’s looking for ways to save money and cut out any expenses that aren’t necessary. One great way to save money is by reducing your household energy consumption. Energy efficient window films provide Sacramento homeowners with a quick solution for reducing utility costs and boosting window insulation.


What’s Wrong with Single Pane Windows

When a customer tells us they have high home energy bills, one of the first questions we ask them is, what kind of windows do you have – single pane or double pane? 99% of the time, the response is “single pane.”

Single pane windows are a problem because they are not well-insulated. They transfer hot air quite easily, so during the summer the home absorbs a lot of heart and during the winter it loses heat. This, in turn, creates longer HVAC run times which leads to increased energy use and costly utility bills.

Single pane windows are an issue, but they can be dealt with. And you don’t even have to fork out loads of cash to replace them. Instead, you can simply install energy efficient window film.


How Energy Efficient Window Film Improves Window Performance

Energy efficient window films improve window performance by regulating heat transfer. Using spectrally selective technology, they keep infrared rays (which are responsible for generating heat) in place. During the summer, heat is kept out and during the winter, it’s retained in your home. This way, your HVAC system doesn’t switch on as often, run times are shorter, and you use less energy.

With energy efficient window film, Sacramento homeowners can save anywhere between an estimated 15-35% on utility costs. The savings are so significant that in just three years, the window film pays for itself.

So if you’re looking for a way to reduce your monthly expenses, window films are definitely an option you should consider.


Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency & Save

Call our office today to learn more about the benefits of energy efficient window film for your Sacramento home.