In sunny California, people know the importance of putting on sunblock when they go outside. If you don’t take steps to protect your skin, you could end up with a painful sunburn, and years down the road, serious health issues like skin cancer.

But did you know that your home needs UV protection too? Despite what most people assume, we’re not totally safe from UV rays indoors. They still get inside through windows that let in the sun.

That’s why you need UV blocking window film for your Sacramento home. Below, we’ve discussed the benefits of UV blocking window film and the steps you can take to have it installed for your home windows.

Benefits of Installing Protection Window Film for your Home

UV protection window films are a special architectural film designed to protect interiors from harmful rays of UV light. Though they’re hard to see, they’re very powerful! UV protection films block up to 99.9% of UV rays, delivering the solar protection equivalent to SPF 1000. Installing UV blocking window film can benefit your home and family in many ways. Here are some of the perks.

  • Reduces your risk of skin cancer – Did you know that window films are actually recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation? This is because they greatly reduce your UV exposure, which puts you at less risk of developing skin cancer during your lifetime.
  • Prevents fading – You know all that beautiful furniture you purchased when you moved into your home? If you don’t protect it from the sun, it will age quickly! UV rays cause fading and can diminish the value of furniture and hardwood floors quickly. By installing UV window film, you can prevent fading and keep your belongings in good condition.
  • Protects your eye health – In addition to your skin, your eyes also need UV protection. By protecting them from the sun, you can reduce your risk of developing glaucoma, eye cancer, and other serious eye diseases.

How to Get Window Film for your Home

Installing UV blocking window film for your Sacramento home is easy! All you have to do is call our office and book a consultation! We’ll schedule a time to visit your home and show you the different window tinting options available to you. Then, we’ll set a day and time for the installation.

Protect Your Home from UV Rays

Call Sacramento Window Film to schedule your consultation or get more information on the benefits of UV protection window film in Sacramento.